Sunday, October 5, 2008

Soul 2 Soul

Energy and emotion.

So what triggers our emotions? Many things do, maybe closely related to our beliefs. Either way, I think that this is a viable sense. When you lose someone you love you normally get upset. So upset that you get a sharp pain in your chest that is a physical pain but not one caused by a physical outside source. Anxiety can also cause these feelings. Lately, I have lost my emotions or turned them off or bugs me and i miss them.

Energy. What gives life life. Our souls.

I abuse this energy quite often. Most of my judgments stem from this, nearly all of them. This doesn't make much sense I know but it has kept me alive, out of trouble and happy for years. That 'gut feeling'. Probably an electrical impulse (energy).
Ya know how you meet someone that puts off a weird vibe and then you find out later that he/she stole some of your stuff or just murdered someone. In the same way you can tell if your significant other has been fooling around on you.

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