Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Need I say more. The super bowl of touch. If I could only keep one this might be it. The ultimate exchange of energy. Think about funerals. When you hug someone at a funeral it is usually very intense. A lot of energy being passed and absorbed.
Other thoughts...Since I am a man shouldn't I go to the barber to get my hair cut? Wrong. I love going to a salon just to have someone else wash my hair. It makes me want to get a hair cut right now. I mean, who else washes your hair besides you? You've got to try it or have a significant other do it for you. It's amazing.
I wonder to myself why we don't feel our internal organs. I mean, we are packed full of guts and blood and water and waste. Why don't we feel any of this? Maybe it is conditioning. We get use to it. Maybe we don't have receptors on the inside. If that was true then why do we notice sharp pains? Curiouser and curiouser.

1 comment:

Zachary Akers said...

I don't know... eat a big bean burrito from a greasy concession truck and I can feel my insides seeking revenge.