This is a series of 1's and 0's put back together to display on the screen for you to read. Before that it was a thought, a series of electrical impulses in the brain.
I love perception. What things actually are and how we perceive them are usually never the same. Everything can be broken down into two things (to my knowledge): energy and matter. If it is not one then it is the other but one can become the other. We usually don't think much about how we perceive things. We take things for face value, what you see is what you get. This can't be the case for everything though. A book for example, is nothing more than ink on paper (or wood and yes there is more to it but you get my point, right?). But a book is so much more than that. The words inside of a book convey ideas, they tell a story allowing our brains to paint a picture of complex thought. These painted pictures may not be the same for everyone though. How we experience something is different person to person. Everyone will have a different process to get to their end result.
Visualization of ideas is experienced, not deduced (taken from book). Sometimes we have a great idea that just comes to us. No research, planning, case study or what have you. Sometimes things just work. I have this conversation with my girlfriend, Tana, quite often. She is a designer and will often argue that you cannot just make something that looks good because it looks good but design with a purpose and through a process. In my opinion, we can pull from instances in our life and come to a conclusion with little understanding of how we got to that conclusion. Process is good and will work more often than not going through some type of process but what is good is good. In fact, process can produce the same results as a simple idea would.
Since I am off on a weird tangent I think I'll wrap it up. Don't take things for what they are but don't dismiss something that is not thought out. We all perceive things differently and we usually don't care how much time was put into producing something only whether it was good or bad.